How Do These Look to You?

These are some of my long term trade set ups that I have been holding for anywhere from 2 weeks to over a month. They key note here is they take time. They don't happen overnight and they are not the result of trying to chase market noise which…

Are You maxing Out Your ROI?

I have this blog. You know it by now if you read the reports I put on here and if you don't "shame on you". Well I am just joking because of course it is up to you. It's free and as far as I am concerned it is the very best kept s…

What To Do If The Markets go Against You...

There is an overriding question in most traders minds of course and that is, "is there a power that runs my stops all the time"?
If you are a newer trader you have likely asked this question quite a bit. You see something, you enter the t…

The Perfect Trade Set Up...

I thought the title would catch your attention as a trader. I suppose it should as a journey person to any trade. Sort of like a brick layer giving you the secret to laying marble, spiral, staircases I suppose. A hard skill to learn but once learne…

Making a Consistent 12% on Your Money....

You have often heard the expression in most  banking models that if you average 10% over the course of your lifetime then you can retire comfortably based on compounding interest. That of course is interest on your interest. It is true that your mo…

Making Money Every Month....

I think the overriding question on most traders minds is can you trade for a living or make money every month.
While I have been doing a consistent 7-10% on my own accounts per month (and no they are not multi million dollar accounts) I think that …

Oil and Gas...

Well we were able to pick up 70 ticks from the initial bounce off my areas from oil. I still say that this is a strong reversal area and am sticking to it. Sure you might get a ramp either way and it would not be surprising giving the algo's an…

If you Trade Futures You Need to Read This....

Unless you are a long term swing trader like myself the lines you see on the chart below represent something extremely important. They are not just volume area or market maker areas but opening range lines. I want you to take special notice of what…

This Week in the Markets....April 2, 17

This week has a couple of key markets that you want to be aware of. You know how I am with risk and finding points of entry that are the least for stop outs and the highest for potential profit. I think if you examine the EUR/USD and WTI you will d…