How to make $2-600.00 per day.
If you wish to make a legitimate $2-600.00 per day following my trades you can do it. It's not a guarantee bu me that you will always do it but I havea good system and it is based on proer trading methodology and risk management. If you use 100K lots it would be easy. 10K lots well it can be done but it is more likely over a week than a day or two. I say this because that is what I am capable of delivering to you with complete transparency because I use my own statements, that I post of my Google Group called "PROFITABLE FOREX CALLS AND INFORMATION". Go there and see for yourself what can be accomplished if you don't play the broker games and stick to good trading fundamentals. Is there draw downs. Yes. Is there risk? Yes. However as a seven year trader is your risk any greater undertaking the chance success of starting a full time business online or offline where your chances of failure are 95% or greater within the first year. How about the 95% being in your own favor? Well that is what my own strategy can offer you with risk management in place. I'll teach you my trading style and you'll make money. Is it a business? Well, you should treat it like one unless you want to be in the 95% of retail traders that lose money in forex. However with my guidance you'll do just fine if you stick to my trading rules. I can't help it if you go tooting off on your own and get into trouble because you thought you knew better. Maybe you did? However check out my Group and bring your thinking cap. Add something to the group and maybe you'll get back even more. It's free right now and its as good as any high priced paid service out there. I'll look for you at the Group.
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