The Essence of Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!
I am always amazed at these analysts that recommend something and simply tell you where you could have entered a position and where you could have exited. Of course most of them assume that you entered in at the bottom and exited right at the turning point. This is of course curve fitting and it is simply not applicable to live trading in the global markets.
You can see in the EUR/USD trade signal that I call that there is an entry point and there is an exit point where I can say that indeed you would have got in around where I took my own position and exited at the target.
However I can't really say that can I.
I don't know you at all. I don't know your tolerance to risk and how emotional you get when you take a trade. Maybe you entered extremely late or maybe you got in higher on the sell than what I called using the drawdown to you advantage. What I am saying is, "As much as this signal will help you, I don't really know how much or even if it will". A lot depends on you as the trader, your trust of me, and your confidence in the system.
At this particular point you are likely still in the apprehensive mode where you are not really sure if this guy is for real yet and should I even be listening to him?
Good questions. That is why I tell you to demo the signal for a while. See it yourself. Tune into the blog and see how I am doing. So far it is doing exactly what I said after two weeks.
Your may be thinking "ya, but you don't use a stop and up to now you have been lucky that there has been no draw down".
I would reply to that by stating that this is the whole idea behind the signal. You are using the trend and the market makers exactly the opposite way that they want you to use them. Greatly upping your chances of NOT being stopped out or shaken out. However once again that depends on how wisely you employ your risk.
Have a look at these charts and see how I see the market. See how accurate my timings are compared to the pack and see how I put my money where my mouth is by taking positions.
There are simply too many sites out there that are based on selling everything and providing useless information to the average retail trader.
Check out my timing on the S&P 500 and see what I think is happening in the short term.
Check out my position in the USD/YEN which is a currency reflection of the Global indexes because of central bank stimulus. That is how you play your hunches or convictions as I prefer to call it in the stock indexes. Simply follow the Nikkei 225 and the USD/YEN and they will give you a fairly good idea what is going to happen in the DOW, DAX and the S&P500 as the markets open around the world.
If you listen to too many so called experts you will become so confused that you will not know who or what is right. What you will find over time is that they know little more than you do.
If you want to be profitable find someone who is profitable and do what they do. It is that simple.
I am simply allowing you to tap my own knowledge that would otherwise take you years to accumulate.
Why am I doing this and what is in it for me?
I am simply passing it forward and I want to add something to people's lives rather than harm them.
The reasons are my own and it is simply part of who I am. I have no agenda or axe to grind.
The world is crying out for entrepreneurs and for those with knowledge to share it with others. If you find what I tell you here helpful pass it forward. Help some other less fortunate traveler.
You see too many people discount what is called "opportunity cost".
What does that mean?
It is the cost to the world of being selfish or ignorant.
For example. We know that about 14,000,000 children die each day. Yep, that is millions fellow traders and yes it is in mostly undeveloped countries that supposedly don't affect our lives because they don't impact our standard of living.
Or do they?
How do you know that the next Einstein wasn't in that group of fourteen million. How do you know that the next Edison wasn't in there. What about Steve Jobs?
Do you see what I am saying?
What I am saying is that "we" (as a human species) are intricately tied together. Our very survival as a planetary species is tied to each other.
Perhaps the technology that would have been invented that would have made all our lives better was in that fourteen million? We will never know will we?
That my friends is opportunity cost.
By helping you here maybe you will be the next hedge fund Guru? Maybe you will in turn help yourself and then your community. Maybe it will change you way of thinking entirely by giving you a different and more objective perspective in life?
Perhaps it will catch on with you and your core group like wild fire and you in turn will affect another group and they in turn will affect others in a positive way.
That is why I do what I do.
Now you get it.
Here you are, look at the charts for yourself:
You can see in the EUR/USD trade signal that I call that there is an entry point and there is an exit point where I can say that indeed you would have got in around where I took my own position and exited at the target.
However I can't really say that can I.
I don't know you at all. I don't know your tolerance to risk and how emotional you get when you take a trade. Maybe you entered extremely late or maybe you got in higher on the sell than what I called using the drawdown to you advantage. What I am saying is, "As much as this signal will help you, I don't really know how much or even if it will". A lot depends on you as the trader, your trust of me, and your confidence in the system.
At this particular point you are likely still in the apprehensive mode where you are not really sure if this guy is for real yet and should I even be listening to him?
Good questions. That is why I tell you to demo the signal for a while. See it yourself. Tune into the blog and see how I am doing. So far it is doing exactly what I said after two weeks.
Your may be thinking "ya, but you don't use a stop and up to now you have been lucky that there has been no draw down".
I would reply to that by stating that this is the whole idea behind the signal. You are using the trend and the market makers exactly the opposite way that they want you to use them. Greatly upping your chances of NOT being stopped out or shaken out. However once again that depends on how wisely you employ your risk.
Have a look at these charts and see how I see the market. See how accurate my timings are compared to the pack and see how I put my money where my mouth is by taking positions.
There are simply too many sites out there that are based on selling everything and providing useless information to the average retail trader.
Check out my timing on the S&P 500 and see what I think is happening in the short term.
Check out my position in the USD/YEN which is a currency reflection of the Global indexes because of central bank stimulus. That is how you play your hunches or convictions as I prefer to call it in the stock indexes. Simply follow the Nikkei 225 and the USD/YEN and they will give you a fairly good idea what is going to happen in the DOW, DAX and the S&P500 as the markets open around the world.
If you listen to too many so called experts you will become so confused that you will not know who or what is right. What you will find over time is that they know little more than you do.
If you want to be profitable find someone who is profitable and do what they do. It is that simple.
I am simply allowing you to tap my own knowledge that would otherwise take you years to accumulate.
Why am I doing this and what is in it for me?
I am simply passing it forward and I want to add something to people's lives rather than harm them.
The reasons are my own and it is simply part of who I am. I have no agenda or axe to grind.
The world is crying out for entrepreneurs and for those with knowledge to share it with others. If you find what I tell you here helpful pass it forward. Help some other less fortunate traveler.
You see too many people discount what is called "opportunity cost".
What does that mean?
It is the cost to the world of being selfish or ignorant.
For example. We know that about 14,000,000 children die each day. Yep, that is millions fellow traders and yes it is in mostly undeveloped countries that supposedly don't affect our lives because they don't impact our standard of living.
Or do they?
How do you know that the next Einstein wasn't in that group of fourteen million. How do you know that the next Edison wasn't in there. What about Steve Jobs?
Do you see what I am saying?
What I am saying is that "we" (as a human species) are intricately tied together. Our very survival as a planetary species is tied to each other.
Perhaps the technology that would have been invented that would have made all our lives better was in that fourteen million? We will never know will we?
That my friends is opportunity cost.
By helping you here maybe you will be the next hedge fund Guru? Maybe you will in turn help yourself and then your community. Maybe it will change you way of thinking entirely by giving you a different and more objective perspective in life?
Perhaps it will catch on with you and your core group like wild fire and you in turn will affect another group and they in turn will affect others in a positive way.
That is why I do what I do.
Now you get it.
Here you are, look at the charts for yourself:
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