Global Trade Room
I just have a little blog here and not many people are looking. That's fine because I think that people are missing out on some of the best information in the industry. I have had the privilege (and I say privilege because it is one) to be a part of GTR for the past couple of months. I normally don't write about anyone or promote any particular group but in this case I will make an exception. The owner and CEO of GTR is Simon Jousef (friend and fellow Canadian). He is a licensed CTA by the CME and rightly so. Most of the traders on the floor of the CME are show. Let's face it just because you have a license to buy and sell on the floor doesn't mean that you are any good even if you have privy to insider information which is what it amounts to. It's a form of cheating and when you think about it they are pretty lame when you have this information and you still can't beat the market.
Yes 95% of hedge funds and mutual funds do not outperform the market average, In fact for the past seven years you would have been better off putting your money in a treasury getting peanuts or companies returning good dividends than to take a risk on the open market. I am talking about the likes of Paul Tudor Jones, Jim Rogers, John Paulson and the likes. Yes, they were legendary traders in their time but that is the point. "In their time".
Simon's time is now and has been since 2005. Every day he shows up to help his students to earn while they are learning. Each and every night he and Jay (a successful student) prepare the trading group for the next day (which is what you are supposed to do as a professional trader). Simon does not charge $65,000.00 per session which is what Jim Rogers charges for what I classify as useless fundamental information that cannot be acted upon unless you have hundreds of millions like Jim. Jim has gone on record to say, "he is not a good trader". Well ok I will buy that but that is how he made his money. Except here is the thing. It was not him managing the trade calls (Yes Jim you are a trader even if you leave your positions for months at a time). A fellow by the name of Stanley Druckenmiller was the fund manager. Good thing for Soros and Rogers that he was. He made them famous. Druckenmiller managed his own hedge fund and returned an average over thirty percent per annum, to his investors for over 15 years. Now think about that for a minute. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
Simon is the Stanley of day trading. No you will not win every trade. No he is not the holy grail. However if you want to learn from the very best in the business then this is the fellow to see. This is the course to take, hands down.
Now you have to learn the method yourself to be the very best that you can be. When you do you will find that you can execute your own trades and be successful also because the method is that powerful. There are other traders out there now that have started their own businesses off Simon's methods claiming it as their own trading. I think that this is wrong. However that is the trading world. Simon takes some criticism at times which is unfounded. Quite simply it is a lie if you read something that is negative about him. If you want to be a professional trader and you are willing to put in the "time" (yes trading requires preparation) then you need to learn from someone who will teach you the one thing that you need more than anything else. Patience and discipline. Quite simply the man has this trait along with many other traits that define the best traders in the world.
Now you need to learn how to trade like this. It takes time and the first time you show up at the free trial you will likely look at it and say, "this is hogwash trading". You would be wrong. You must give it time and work at the technique. You need to program your settings for stops and take profit areas so you don't waste time. Yes most of the trades are scalps. Yes a lot are break even or slight profits. However Simon is the best at hitting runners. All you need is one or two of these a month and you will easily make money. Simon does this almost daily at some point.
Yes you will pay a hefty chunk of commissions to your broker. All I can say to that is, "who cares"? If you make money almost every day is this not what trading is all about? Do you really give a darn if you are making your broker wealthy at the same time. Maybe he will give you benefits if you continue to do well for him? If you have a lousy broker that trades against you all the time by providing the liquidity then you want to run from the place. You will know this because you will be slipped to death on execution or requoted to the point where the trade makes no sense. Not all brokers are created equal. Simon used Ninja trader and Sierra charts. I recommend both. I use S5 trader and Sierra and am quite happy. I use Oanda and FX Primus to trade CFD (contracts for difference).
I have been managing funds myself for about 8 years. I have chosen to build my own futures and spot market business around GTR for very good reason. I have taken the time to sit in a lot of trade rooms over the years and short of my own I have yet to see a trade room as good as Simon's. Bar none. I stand nothing to gain by referring you to Global Trade Room . com so go check it out for yourself. There is no link and no affiliate program. Just pure and honest advice. He is a humble and patient teacher. You will find none better in my opinion. If you are struggling with your trading and you want to be one of the few who make money you owe it to yourself to take the program. You are always investing in YOU so remember that. Don't waste time reading books or listening to all the nonsense from the false prophets. Go there and begin your journey. I assure you that you will be glad that you did.
Yes 95% of hedge funds and mutual funds do not outperform the market average, In fact for the past seven years you would have been better off putting your money in a treasury getting peanuts or companies returning good dividends than to take a risk on the open market. I am talking about the likes of Paul Tudor Jones, Jim Rogers, John Paulson and the likes. Yes, they were legendary traders in their time but that is the point. "In their time".
Simon's time is now and has been since 2005. Every day he shows up to help his students to earn while they are learning. Each and every night he and Jay (a successful student) prepare the trading group for the next day (which is what you are supposed to do as a professional trader). Simon does not charge $65,000.00 per session which is what Jim Rogers charges for what I classify as useless fundamental information that cannot be acted upon unless you have hundreds of millions like Jim. Jim has gone on record to say, "he is not a good trader". Well ok I will buy that but that is how he made his money. Except here is the thing. It was not him managing the trade calls (Yes Jim you are a trader even if you leave your positions for months at a time). A fellow by the name of Stanley Druckenmiller was the fund manager. Good thing for Soros and Rogers that he was. He made them famous. Druckenmiller managed his own hedge fund and returned an average over thirty percent per annum, to his investors for over 15 years. Now think about that for a minute. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
Simon is the Stanley of day trading. No you will not win every trade. No he is not the holy grail. However if you want to learn from the very best in the business then this is the fellow to see. This is the course to take, hands down.
Now you have to learn the method yourself to be the very best that you can be. When you do you will find that you can execute your own trades and be successful also because the method is that powerful. There are other traders out there now that have started their own businesses off Simon's methods claiming it as their own trading. I think that this is wrong. However that is the trading world. Simon takes some criticism at times which is unfounded. Quite simply it is a lie if you read something that is negative about him. If you want to be a professional trader and you are willing to put in the "time" (yes trading requires preparation) then you need to learn from someone who will teach you the one thing that you need more than anything else. Patience and discipline. Quite simply the man has this trait along with many other traits that define the best traders in the world.
Now you need to learn how to trade like this. It takes time and the first time you show up at the free trial you will likely look at it and say, "this is hogwash trading". You would be wrong. You must give it time and work at the technique. You need to program your settings for stops and take profit areas so you don't waste time. Yes most of the trades are scalps. Yes a lot are break even or slight profits. However Simon is the best at hitting runners. All you need is one or two of these a month and you will easily make money. Simon does this almost daily at some point.
Yes you will pay a hefty chunk of commissions to your broker. All I can say to that is, "who cares"? If you make money almost every day is this not what trading is all about? Do you really give a darn if you are making your broker wealthy at the same time. Maybe he will give you benefits if you continue to do well for him? If you have a lousy broker that trades against you all the time by providing the liquidity then you want to run from the place. You will know this because you will be slipped to death on execution or requoted to the point where the trade makes no sense. Not all brokers are created equal. Simon used Ninja trader and Sierra charts. I recommend both. I use S5 trader and Sierra and am quite happy. I use Oanda and FX Primus to trade CFD (contracts for difference).
I have been managing funds myself for about 8 years. I have chosen to build my own futures and spot market business around GTR for very good reason. I have taken the time to sit in a lot of trade rooms over the years and short of my own I have yet to see a trade room as good as Simon's. Bar none. I stand nothing to gain by referring you to Global Trade Room . com so go check it out for yourself. There is no link and no affiliate program. Just pure and honest advice. He is a humble and patient teacher. You will find none better in my opinion. If you are struggling with your trading and you want to be one of the few who make money you owe it to yourself to take the program. You are always investing in YOU so remember that. Don't waste time reading books or listening to all the nonsense from the false prophets. Go there and begin your journey. I assure you that you will be glad that you did.
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