Seems We are Cashless Now!
While most people living pay check to pay check don't really seem to mind using their phones to do their transactions as was apparent today by the conversation at the grocery till. The lady was all euphoric about having the convenience and ability to use her phone app to make payments.
On the surface this might seem like a good thing. You know along the lines of technology making all our lives better by the "rising tide", so to speak it could not be further from the truth.
Most people are more than content to live as a financial slave and in servitude to the state which is how most live their lives. You know, go to work, work for forty or fifty years, bring up your children and then retire with a nice nest egg where you can watch the waves roll in somewhere nice while you bask in a life well lived.
While I am not saying that this is a bad thing I certainly am not saying that this is a good thing either. I have spoken in earnest about why this is not realistic before and the only way that you can do this. That being, have no kids, skimp or save every cent you get, take no risks and probably forgo marriage where you may run the risk of alimony or divorce settlement. In other words live life in a shell.
However factor in inflation, which equates into the rising cost of living, devaluation of your money's purchasing power, and a broken pension system you see quite clearly that the system is not set up for what you think will happen.
In fact the complete opposite is more what is likely to happen. Proof is in the statistics where most people do not have anywhere near enough to retire, taxes are incredibly high supporting a government system that is so far in debt it can't even see the hole out and frozen wages for the past thirty years and you clearly see that the system is not designed to be favorable to you.
This new payment system allows the government to go digital. What does that really mean? It means that the government is able to monitor your every move. It can trace every transaction you do. It can tell very quickly when you are not pulling your weight so to speak by supporting the system and of course it robs you of any freedoms you might have had around YOUR money.
The other side of the equation is they can now run deficits for as long as the eye can see without any real consequences to them other than the continued erosion of your standard of living.
Proof is in how the government sees things. We were supposed to go from a society that worked forty hours a week to one that worked a scant twenty four hours a week while keeping up our standard of living. Just the opposite happened. Do you really trust an entity that sees the world in such as foolish way?
Do you really think they are out to make life better for you?
Look at their business models that they consider profitable. Gambling, legal marijuana, and natural resource exports. Two of the three make them no better than a drug lord or casino owner (which are the lowest common denominator of human trash) while the third robs YOU of your rights to benefit from your own country you live in. It is completely insane.
Yet at the same time people simply go about their slave based existence not worrying a bit about giving this corrupt entity the right to monitor your every financial move. I mean get serious people. Wake the fuck up. What will it take to piss you off.
Perhaps one day when you are lucky enough to have saved enough to retire Revenue Canada thugs come knocking at your door claiming you didn't pay enough into the system and they confiscate one third or more of your money because of your illegal activity (that is if you don't go to jail too) as being labeled a common criminal while being thrown to the mercies of the most inept legal system that can possibly be comprehended these days. If your lucky enough to avoid prosecution by paying the remaining sums of your money to some high priced bottom feeder (oops sorry I mean lawyer) then you will consider yourself lucky.
Perhaps then you might see the folly of allowing the state to monitor your every move. Maybe then reality will click in when you sell your home because now you simply don't have anywhere near enough to watch the waves roll in.
What is the odds that a black market currency crops up to offset this new and wonderful system. Do you really think it will stop the criminals as the government thinks? You would have to be a completely naive, idiot to think so. However as surely as the sun rises it will stop you from living a more free life. It will stop you from being able to sit and watch the waves roll in with low stress. They'll patsy it all up for you and like Eric Schmidt from google (another corporation married to the government) said, "well as long as you're not doing anything wrong you don't need to worry". Seriously!
Well that is the equivalent as I have said before of someone looking in your bedroom window while you are making love to your wife to make sure that you are engaging in "proper" sexual conduct. However what happens if you are a little kinky and have some weird sexual preferences that your partner doesn't seem to mind?
Someone from the government might just show up on your doorstep threatening that if you don't stop having sex this way that you will lose your right to have sex. Really?
That is what you are doing in a sense people. You don't know it yet but you are in no uncertain terms inviting the government into your bedroom. They are watching whether you know they are or not is irrelevant. I assure you they are. After all its just privacy.
Who needs that!!!
On the surface this might seem like a good thing. You know along the lines of technology making all our lives better by the "rising tide", so to speak it could not be further from the truth.
Most people are more than content to live as a financial slave and in servitude to the state which is how most live their lives. You know, go to work, work for forty or fifty years, bring up your children and then retire with a nice nest egg where you can watch the waves roll in somewhere nice while you bask in a life well lived.
While I am not saying that this is a bad thing I certainly am not saying that this is a good thing either. I have spoken in earnest about why this is not realistic before and the only way that you can do this. That being, have no kids, skimp or save every cent you get, take no risks and probably forgo marriage where you may run the risk of alimony or divorce settlement. In other words live life in a shell.
However factor in inflation, which equates into the rising cost of living, devaluation of your money's purchasing power, and a broken pension system you see quite clearly that the system is not set up for what you think will happen.
In fact the complete opposite is more what is likely to happen. Proof is in the statistics where most people do not have anywhere near enough to retire, taxes are incredibly high supporting a government system that is so far in debt it can't even see the hole out and frozen wages for the past thirty years and you clearly see that the system is not designed to be favorable to you.
This new payment system allows the government to go digital. What does that really mean? It means that the government is able to monitor your every move. It can trace every transaction you do. It can tell very quickly when you are not pulling your weight so to speak by supporting the system and of course it robs you of any freedoms you might have had around YOUR money.
The other side of the equation is they can now run deficits for as long as the eye can see without any real consequences to them other than the continued erosion of your standard of living.
Proof is in how the government sees things. We were supposed to go from a society that worked forty hours a week to one that worked a scant twenty four hours a week while keeping up our standard of living. Just the opposite happened. Do you really trust an entity that sees the world in such as foolish way?
Do you really think they are out to make life better for you?
Look at their business models that they consider profitable. Gambling, legal marijuana, and natural resource exports. Two of the three make them no better than a drug lord or casino owner (which are the lowest common denominator of human trash) while the third robs YOU of your rights to benefit from your own country you live in. It is completely insane.
Yet at the same time people simply go about their slave based existence not worrying a bit about giving this corrupt entity the right to monitor your every financial move. I mean get serious people. Wake the fuck up. What will it take to piss you off.
Perhaps one day when you are lucky enough to have saved enough to retire Revenue Canada thugs come knocking at your door claiming you didn't pay enough into the system and they confiscate one third or more of your money because of your illegal activity (that is if you don't go to jail too) as being labeled a common criminal while being thrown to the mercies of the most inept legal system that can possibly be comprehended these days. If your lucky enough to avoid prosecution by paying the remaining sums of your money to some high priced bottom feeder (oops sorry I mean lawyer) then you will consider yourself lucky.
Perhaps then you might see the folly of allowing the state to monitor your every move. Maybe then reality will click in when you sell your home because now you simply don't have anywhere near enough to watch the waves roll in.
What is the odds that a black market currency crops up to offset this new and wonderful system. Do you really think it will stop the criminals as the government thinks? You would have to be a completely naive, idiot to think so. However as surely as the sun rises it will stop you from living a more free life. It will stop you from being able to sit and watch the waves roll in with low stress. They'll patsy it all up for you and like Eric Schmidt from google (another corporation married to the government) said, "well as long as you're not doing anything wrong you don't need to worry". Seriously!
Well that is the equivalent as I have said before of someone looking in your bedroom window while you are making love to your wife to make sure that you are engaging in "proper" sexual conduct. However what happens if you are a little kinky and have some weird sexual preferences that your partner doesn't seem to mind?
Someone from the government might just show up on your doorstep threatening that if you don't stop having sex this way that you will lose your right to have sex. Really?
That is what you are doing in a sense people. You don't know it yet but you are in no uncertain terms inviting the government into your bedroom. They are watching whether you know they are or not is irrelevant. I assure you they are. After all its just privacy.
Who needs that!!!
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