Revisiting Oil
Alright I don't really know where you are getting your information from but where ever it is you are probably looking at the wrong source.
Let me ask you, why aren't you here?
Have you got a good explanation?
Probably not. Other than lets say "who is Marc Abramsky"?
You are somewhat right. Who am I. Only one of the best swing traders who no one has ever heard of that's who.
Look down at the chart. You can see I haven't changed any lines at all. These are the past two or three months calls. If you didn't know any better you'd swear that I control price. Three of the biggest moves oil has made I called. Every single one of them...blah, bah, blah....however it's true.
Look at my levels. They are like magnets. To this day they are like magnets.
Alright so lets map out our new plan. I am going to do that for you free.
Cause I love you all. lol
Bulls are still very much in control so don't be fooled.

There you go. There is your swing trade plan. The reason is most of the weak longs are gone. They have been cleared out and there is very little resistance until you get slightly above the previous high where the weak shorts will be cleaned. So pay attention to the plan. Use it in good health and hope you make a boat load.
Let me ask you, why aren't you here?
Have you got a good explanation?
Probably not. Other than lets say "who is Marc Abramsky"?
You are somewhat right. Who am I. Only one of the best swing traders who no one has ever heard of that's who.
Look down at the chart. You can see I haven't changed any lines at all. These are the past two or three months calls. If you didn't know any better you'd swear that I control price. Three of the biggest moves oil has made I called. Every single one of them...blah, bah, blah....however it's true.
Look at my levels. They are like magnets. To this day they are like magnets.
Alright so lets map out our new plan. I am going to do that for you free.
Cause I love you all. lol
Bulls are still very much in control so don't be fooled.

There you go. There is your swing trade plan. The reason is most of the weak longs are gone. They have been cleared out and there is very little resistance until you get slightly above the previous high where the weak shorts will be cleaned. So pay attention to the plan. Use it in good health and hope you make a boat load.
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