Seeing is Believing...
When I told you the other day that the 44.14 area would see a good bounce. I meant it. I told you that all ahead of time. Although the target was not hit at that time price did move down to it where it bounced very strongly to the upside as I write. It made it as far as 44.86 without much of a pause. That was your time to capitalize. However you needed to either put a limit order in or be up earlier when it hit the area. You can see by the chart below what happened. Either you took it or you woke up to a nice profit staring you in the face.
You need a good road map to trade folks. You really do. By reading this blog daily you will have that road map delivered to you for no cost. I know rooms that charge a lot for the type of information that I give away for free. I do it to try to help you. To give you the areas where the least amount of risk and highest rewards stare you in the face.
Will they all be as accurate?
No they won't. We lose from time to time. However from the wins that have been racked up on oil alone you should be seeing the power of my areas. Patience is all that stops you from making a good living at this. That is it. Or disbelief. Neither will make you a good trader if you don't have them.
However seeing is believing. You can see it all ahead of time. Not during or slightly before but sometimes days ahead of time. Like the 10 year the area that I showed you seems to be the one building the bottom. If you look at the futures charts or spot chart you can see it. Clearly. Yes it might hick up a little further but so far there have been multiple trades you could have taken off the 124.80 area. This is where I know that the FED has your back. Sure it might fall a little more but not much. Don't believe all the hogwash you hear about the end of the bond bull. It is just that. With Bonds you have to be exceptionally patient because it is so liquid and slow. However once a trend is established you can ride it for a very long time. Anyway best wishes on the weekend.

You need a good road map to trade folks. You really do. By reading this blog daily you will have that road map delivered to you for no cost. I know rooms that charge a lot for the type of information that I give away for free. I do it to try to help you. To give you the areas where the least amount of risk and highest rewards stare you in the face.
Will they all be as accurate?
No they won't. We lose from time to time. However from the wins that have been racked up on oil alone you should be seeing the power of my areas. Patience is all that stops you from making a good living at this. That is it. Or disbelief. Neither will make you a good trader if you don't have them.
However seeing is believing. You can see it all ahead of time. Not during or slightly before but sometimes days ahead of time. Like the 10 year the area that I showed you seems to be the one building the bottom. If you look at the futures charts or spot chart you can see it. Clearly. Yes it might hick up a little further but so far there have been multiple trades you could have taken off the 124.80 area. This is where I know that the FED has your back. Sure it might fall a little more but not much. Don't believe all the hogwash you hear about the end of the bond bull. It is just that. With Bonds you have to be exceptionally patient because it is so liquid and slow. However once a trend is established you can ride it for a very long time. Anyway best wishes on the weekend.

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