Daily Trades and a Bit of Insight....
You can see below that I took a couple of nice trades in the market today. I made a relatively quick 40-50 ticks and called it a day. The idea behind the trades was seeing a range bound market and waiting for the likely stop hunt areas to appear. They did exactly that and when they did I pounced knowing that the pros already trapped the traders they wanted to in the early opening of the Oil and the Dow markets.
Opening ranges are not really a strategy that I would encourage you to follow for the majority of your trading as they are generally only a trap for fools by the market makers looking to take advantage of the retail fellow. Yes, the markets move back and forth relatively quickly most of the time but that is the whole idea. It is like trading news which for most is far too volatile to make any money. You are more likely to be stopped out for a nasty loss than to catch the moves. There are some opportunities but they are few and far between. Gone are the days when you could count on the markets being even somewhat predictable.
However the human brain still holds an edge for the time being over the algos and the neural nets. AI will be narrowing the gap considerably in the near future but not yet. There brain is still too complex for an algo or net to wrap around. There are too many working variables in the brain that can offset even the most advanced algo. AI is coming, make no mistakes about it and when it does reach the point where it makes more informed decisions than the brain then I am out. Period. You simply won't be able to compete. However in the interim where traders are still trading and especially ones with inexperience there is trades like the ones below generally every day. This happens because of inexperience and not because of anything else. Quite simply the savvy traders take advantage of the weaker traders. It is just that simple. Join me shortly as I open my room to you. You will see how I do it. There will be very little marketing if any at all and that which I do will generally be free to you so that you can learn. Once you see the markets like I do it will all start to make a lot more sense to you. Some will do well and some will do better than me. Good for you.
On another note I will revisit the bubble of crypto currency markets for you. Bitcoin continues to be valued at ridiculous levels and once again exuberant people will get caught at some point. You have to remember that it is the block chain technology that makes crypto currencies valuable. In other words it is extremely difficult to hack them and extremely difficult to control them by governments. This makes them attractive to most people. However you still need to keep in mind that they are only computer code. Computer code at 5K a coin? I doubt it very much.
It makes little to no sense in any form of valuation that you can think of. Why would I pay 5K for a coin made from computer code. That code could disappear at any time and so could the code. You might think that you have control but it is an illusion. Governments could step in at any time and then you have nothing. The other fact that you may want to remember is that most of the market is composed of scams. If it really was that valuable (and I am not saying it is) why wouldn't other crypto's be of same value. Free markets dictate? Not really. They are simply HYIP's (high yiled investment programs). You know the same ones that promise you 1-2% a day and then disappear. Billions have been lost in that. Do you remember DXInone? How about Egold? I rest my case.
Look making real money takes work ok. I know there are a lot of money junkies shuffling billions and trillions around making ridiculous sums but for the majority of us it takes hard work and careful investment. That is why I do this for you. I try to keep you on the right side. I can't control your gambling mentality if that is what you wish to do but remember most if not all of them end badly. Value is and always will be defined by something that is clearly needed by society. Not what they want but what they NEED. Cheers!

Opening ranges are not really a strategy that I would encourage you to follow for the majority of your trading as they are generally only a trap for fools by the market makers looking to take advantage of the retail fellow. Yes, the markets move back and forth relatively quickly most of the time but that is the whole idea. It is like trading news which for most is far too volatile to make any money. You are more likely to be stopped out for a nasty loss than to catch the moves. There are some opportunities but they are few and far between. Gone are the days when you could count on the markets being even somewhat predictable.
However the human brain still holds an edge for the time being over the algos and the neural nets. AI will be narrowing the gap considerably in the near future but not yet. There brain is still too complex for an algo or net to wrap around. There are too many working variables in the brain that can offset even the most advanced algo. AI is coming, make no mistakes about it and when it does reach the point where it makes more informed decisions than the brain then I am out. Period. You simply won't be able to compete. However in the interim where traders are still trading and especially ones with inexperience there is trades like the ones below generally every day. This happens because of inexperience and not because of anything else. Quite simply the savvy traders take advantage of the weaker traders. It is just that simple. Join me shortly as I open my room to you. You will see how I do it. There will be very little marketing if any at all and that which I do will generally be free to you so that you can learn. Once you see the markets like I do it will all start to make a lot more sense to you. Some will do well and some will do better than me. Good for you.
On another note I will revisit the bubble of crypto currency markets for you. Bitcoin continues to be valued at ridiculous levels and once again exuberant people will get caught at some point. You have to remember that it is the block chain technology that makes crypto currencies valuable. In other words it is extremely difficult to hack them and extremely difficult to control them by governments. This makes them attractive to most people. However you still need to keep in mind that they are only computer code. Computer code at 5K a coin? I doubt it very much.
It makes little to no sense in any form of valuation that you can think of. Why would I pay 5K for a coin made from computer code. That code could disappear at any time and so could the code. You might think that you have control but it is an illusion. Governments could step in at any time and then you have nothing. The other fact that you may want to remember is that most of the market is composed of scams. If it really was that valuable (and I am not saying it is) why wouldn't other crypto's be of same value. Free markets dictate? Not really. They are simply HYIP's (high yiled investment programs). You know the same ones that promise you 1-2% a day and then disappear. Billions have been lost in that. Do you remember DXInone? How about Egold? I rest my case.
Look making real money takes work ok. I know there are a lot of money junkies shuffling billions and trillions around making ridiculous sums but for the majority of us it takes hard work and careful investment. That is why I do this for you. I try to keep you on the right side. I can't control your gambling mentality if that is what you wish to do but remember most if not all of them end badly. Value is and always will be defined by something that is clearly needed by society. Not what they want but what they NEED. Cheers!

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