The Big Student Debt Issue and Debt Explosion....
While this is no secret to most students trying to get ahead by acquiring a higher education the cost of carrying this debt is a drag on future production and demographics. You don't have children when you can't support them let alone yourself. As I was mentioning the only real business models these days are chasing after limited demand as a result of too much supply on the market in almost everything we buy to sustain our life styles.
Most of you know that money creation is little more than counterfeiting. It has no value whatsoever. It does nothing to alleviate the debt problem and what is worse it only serves those who have access to it first which of course is the rich and the banking cartel. When production is created from effort to supply a demand there is a true value in what is being done. This new type of economy serves very little. It generally creates a stream of debt income to the people issuing the debt where there may or may not ever be a possibility of it being paid back. The risk is high in other words. The intention is fraud. From one entity to the other.
The glaring student debt issues speak volumes to creating something that has little to no value. Degrees are handed out with little to no prospect of people getting these degrees to acquire a job that will allow them sufficient funds to pay the debt back. It is a con of course. A chicanery of the worst kind. The hoax of getting a higher education so that you might earn more money over the course of your life or acquire jobs that are much higher paying.
While you might be able to get a bit better job than say someone who has little more than a high school education or less it is no guarantee of a better standard of living. In fact statistics state just the opposite. Getting a higher education almost guarantees you a much worse standard of living because YOU and you alone are accountable for all the debt. There is no forgiveness like Chapter 11 of a corporation or Chapter 7. No sir the debt masters who served you up this boondoggle now control your existence. You thought all along that it was for good reason. That they trusted you and that they knew you would easily be able to service this debt. No so my young friends. They know (like I do) that you are indebted to them. That you will forward most of your discretionary income directly to them, like a car debt or mortgage.
Since when did it become alright to predate on future generations in the name of financial obligations to the investors that serve up the debt.
Well it runs a bit deeper than that. Higher education is not higher at all. Like all big institutions they are outdated and have exorbitant costs to keep the meal tickets running for all the people living off the gravy train. Need I say anymore than to look at College football these days. As I watched the competitions yesterday where Georgia beat Oklahoma and Alabama beat Clemson I shuddered to think what it costs to operate one of these bowl games. With the bands, cheerleaders, stadium costs, miscellaneous items sold, players playing, coaches, water boys and the whole works. The cost must be staggering. That must explain why the national championship tickets are around $2500 for good seats.
You better believe it is.
However the thing is it will probably sell out.
Now I really want you to think about this for a minute. This is nothing more than a college pick up game wrapped in fancy attire. These are not pros and these are not people ever likely to see a pro game. Even pros are bad enough this way. You have heard me talk about it before but since when did it become exceptional to watch a 7 foot giant dunk on a ten foot net where the player signs contracts worth 100 million. I mean seriously, how exceptional is that. Lower the net at your home to 8 feet and if you are younger than 50 dunk until your hearts content. It is that simple.
This all is called debt transfer. Middle class, hard working people to the rich.
College is supposed to be about getting a higher education. Not supporting all these ridiculous programs and over paid professors that should be held accountable for producing NOTHING.
Getting wealthy by doing nothing seems to be a great way to do things these days. With the globe awash in easy credit and counterfeit dollars the transfer of wealth has never been faster.
Will all this come crashing down at some point?
In all honesty I don't know. The problem is not so much the free money as it is the social fabric that binds us is tearing more and more every day as a result of these actions. Morality goes out the window. Crimes continue to grow and we become less responsible for our actions because those actions never required any discipline to get results.
Accountability is on us all. It is not something that we kick down the road for some less fortunate traveler to deal with. It is up to us to choose not to blur the lines that have held the society together for so long. It is up to us to say "enough is enough". If you don't,who will.
Most of you know that money creation is little more than counterfeiting. It has no value whatsoever. It does nothing to alleviate the debt problem and what is worse it only serves those who have access to it first which of course is the rich and the banking cartel. When production is created from effort to supply a demand there is a true value in what is being done. This new type of economy serves very little. It generally creates a stream of debt income to the people issuing the debt where there may or may not ever be a possibility of it being paid back. The risk is high in other words. The intention is fraud. From one entity to the other.
The glaring student debt issues speak volumes to creating something that has little to no value. Degrees are handed out with little to no prospect of people getting these degrees to acquire a job that will allow them sufficient funds to pay the debt back. It is a con of course. A chicanery of the worst kind. The hoax of getting a higher education so that you might earn more money over the course of your life or acquire jobs that are much higher paying.
While you might be able to get a bit better job than say someone who has little more than a high school education or less it is no guarantee of a better standard of living. In fact statistics state just the opposite. Getting a higher education almost guarantees you a much worse standard of living because YOU and you alone are accountable for all the debt. There is no forgiveness like Chapter 11 of a corporation or Chapter 7. No sir the debt masters who served you up this boondoggle now control your existence. You thought all along that it was for good reason. That they trusted you and that they knew you would easily be able to service this debt. No so my young friends. They know (like I do) that you are indebted to them. That you will forward most of your discretionary income directly to them, like a car debt or mortgage.
Since when did it become alright to predate on future generations in the name of financial obligations to the investors that serve up the debt.
Well it runs a bit deeper than that. Higher education is not higher at all. Like all big institutions they are outdated and have exorbitant costs to keep the meal tickets running for all the people living off the gravy train. Need I say anymore than to look at College football these days. As I watched the competitions yesterday where Georgia beat Oklahoma and Alabama beat Clemson I shuddered to think what it costs to operate one of these bowl games. With the bands, cheerleaders, stadium costs, miscellaneous items sold, players playing, coaches, water boys and the whole works. The cost must be staggering. That must explain why the national championship tickets are around $2500 for good seats.
You better believe it is.
However the thing is it will probably sell out.
Now I really want you to think about this for a minute. This is nothing more than a college pick up game wrapped in fancy attire. These are not pros and these are not people ever likely to see a pro game. Even pros are bad enough this way. You have heard me talk about it before but since when did it become exceptional to watch a 7 foot giant dunk on a ten foot net where the player signs contracts worth 100 million. I mean seriously, how exceptional is that. Lower the net at your home to 8 feet and if you are younger than 50 dunk until your hearts content. It is that simple.
This all is called debt transfer. Middle class, hard working people to the rich.
College is supposed to be about getting a higher education. Not supporting all these ridiculous programs and over paid professors that should be held accountable for producing NOTHING.
Getting wealthy by doing nothing seems to be a great way to do things these days. With the globe awash in easy credit and counterfeit dollars the transfer of wealth has never been faster.
Will all this come crashing down at some point?
In all honesty I don't know. The problem is not so much the free money as it is the social fabric that binds us is tearing more and more every day as a result of these actions. Morality goes out the window. Crimes continue to grow and we become less responsible for our actions because those actions never required any discipline to get results.
Accountability is on us all. It is not something that we kick down the road for some less fortunate traveler to deal with. It is up to us to choose not to blur the lines that have held the society together for so long. It is up to us to say "enough is enough". If you don't,who will.
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