Why We Place Our Faith In Fiat....
It's not really a secret that we value our currency. After all, it is what we use to conduct exchanges and to barter with. We put faith in our dollar that it will last through the ages and allow us to retire after working hard for decades. We look forward to a time when our money will work for us instead of the other way around.
It's not such an unrealistic goal when you think of it. It is not the fact that you value money so much that it becomes the be all end all vice for your life. At least for most people anyway. There is a small number of people that money becomes exactly that. The ones where enough is never enough.
The problem with hanging on to our currency is that we expect our government to maintain its value over time and to protect it on the global markets. Sadly history tells us that they do just the opposite.
You see by the very definition of what a politician is it is a contradiction to what we expect our government to be. Part of the definition clearly states that these people are liars and manipulators. Seriously look it up if you don't believe me. This is the reason why I don't vote although it is a privilege that I take far too much for granted. People get sick of being lied to. They get sick of being manipulated and they get tired of people destroying that which they worked their entire lives to build.
Of course not but then again the world has never been a fair or predictable place.
The way out of this conundrum is to place more value on what you can do to make the world a better place for yourself and for future generations. It is only by giving back that we remove ourselves from the merry go round that we call fiat currency. It is true that Einstein himself died penniless but look at how he is remembered to this day. Do you think that anyone really cared what his net worth was? Do you think his life was any less from not having a large nest egg to retire on? Would it have changed what he did and who he was?
I don't think so.
You see the man loved solving complex problems. Problems that were supposedly unsolvable. To this day we work with his equations and prove more and more of them as time goes on. This my friends is how you leave a legacy. I am not saying that we all have to try to do what he did because obviously there are barriers to what we can do and what we can achieve.
What I am saying to you is to place more of an emphasis on what you invest in and why. How you use your precious time and currency. Say for example you decide to play the marijuana stocks. In what way would you play them. Do you invest for the sake that some of the products from the plant are actually good for people or are you investing because you know that recreational marijuana is a way to increase your money? If you invest with the ideology of the later you might just as well be a dealer yourself. It has very little benefit for society as a whole. Do you see that?
What I am saying is there are ways to hedge your bets in a depreciating fiat system. In ways that will benefit mankind for decades to come. Obviously, you can choose to do whatever you wish. I would be the last person to tell you what to do with your hard-earned money. However one makes sense and the other simply sustains the status quo.
If you are a Canuck like me I wish you a happy thanksgiving. Be grateful for all that you have because you do have a lot. Cheers!
It's not such an unrealistic goal when you think of it. It is not the fact that you value money so much that it becomes the be all end all vice for your life. At least for most people anyway. There is a small number of people that money becomes exactly that. The ones where enough is never enough.
The problem with hanging on to our currency is that we expect our government to maintain its value over time and to protect it on the global markets. Sadly history tells us that they do just the opposite.
You see by the very definition of what a politician is it is a contradiction to what we expect our government to be. Part of the definition clearly states that these people are liars and manipulators. Seriously look it up if you don't believe me. This is the reason why I don't vote although it is a privilege that I take far too much for granted. People get sick of being lied to. They get sick of being manipulated and they get tired of people destroying that which they worked their entire lives to build.
Of course not but then again the world has never been a fair or predictable place.
The way out of this conundrum is to place more value on what you can do to make the world a better place for yourself and for future generations. It is only by giving back that we remove ourselves from the merry go round that we call fiat currency. It is true that Einstein himself died penniless but look at how he is remembered to this day. Do you think that anyone really cared what his net worth was? Do you think his life was any less from not having a large nest egg to retire on? Would it have changed what he did and who he was?
I don't think so.
You see the man loved solving complex problems. Problems that were supposedly unsolvable. To this day we work with his equations and prove more and more of them as time goes on. This my friends is how you leave a legacy. I am not saying that we all have to try to do what he did because obviously there are barriers to what we can do and what we can achieve.
What I am saying to you is to place more of an emphasis on what you invest in and why. How you use your precious time and currency. Say for example you decide to play the marijuana stocks. In what way would you play them. Do you invest for the sake that some of the products from the plant are actually good for people or are you investing because you know that recreational marijuana is a way to increase your money? If you invest with the ideology of the later you might just as well be a dealer yourself. It has very little benefit for society as a whole. Do you see that?
What I am saying is there are ways to hedge your bets in a depreciating fiat system. In ways that will benefit mankind for decades to come. Obviously, you can choose to do whatever you wish. I would be the last person to tell you what to do with your hard-earned money. However one makes sense and the other simply sustains the status quo.
If you are a Canuck like me I wish you a happy thanksgiving. Be grateful for all that you have because you do have a lot. Cheers!
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