Merry Christmas and A Little on the Markets...

Well fellow traders I hope that you are enjoying some down time with your families and friends. It is the time of year where we seem to value friendship and relations the most although I encourage you to practice this ideology all through the year.…

The Holiday Spirit....

Well Oil continues to defy the pundits and energy market guru's by continuing to make newer lows in the new price range that has been established. You can see the major volume area on the below chart which took about a couple of years to form. …

How Are Bubbles Formed in This Day and Age?

Bubble mania is nothing new. Bubbles in assets have existed for thousands of years or as long as the markets have existed in one form or another. They have always worked the same way and today is no different other than markets get a lot of help to…

Bonds and the Markets.....

To me this is a perfect time for Bonds to Rally strongly when sentiment is this negative on how the Fed is going to proceed. You can see that my call last week for the stock markets to rally back came to fruition. As I mentioned to you it is still …