January Trades....

Without giving all my trading secrets here you can see that from my call on this currency at Google Groups http://http://groups.google.ca/group/profitable-forex-calls-and-information/topics?hl=en&start=10&sa=N around Dec. 16, 2009 entitled USD/JPY File posted....read, so far it has moved a whopping 900 pips in less than a month. I still think this is the trade of the year in 2010 as the USD will under go significant appreciation against a basket of currencies that are grossly over valued based on very poor fundamentals and political upheaval which will become much more apparent in 2010 and 2011. These currencies include the EUR, YEN, GBP, CAN, the CHF (to a much smaller degree) and the AUD all against the USD.
In particular focus on the YEN as it is due to rise up to 110 or more. Look for the EUR to readjust and other currencies in the Euronation to follow as the Matrich agreement is finally undone. Greece and Ireland are only the beginning.
To follow my daily posts and results go to http://http://sites.google.com/site/fxsignalsclub/
where you will find expert analysis and daily research that will rock your socks. All free I might add. Here is to a profitable 2010.
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