Building Wealth Through Trading and Other Means....

I think everyone is looking for the quickest and most profitable way to build wealth. I am going to attempt to help you out this way for FREE rather than create some email list where I can be a self help coach. I will do this but YOU are the one that is going to have to take action. Not me but you. The four cornerstones of wealth generation are as follows in my own assertions:

1) Have your home make money for you is of course paramount to wealth conservation and wealth building. You are taught that in the long run real estate is an investment. This is of course not true. Anyone with half a brain can see that in order to obtain wealth you have to rely on the markets going up forever at generally a rate of at least 10% per annum in order to cover your expenses. I have created a tax free wealth system that generated between 7000 and 15000 a month. I can elaborate more on this but this is for Canadians more for Americans although you can do similar things in the US. This covers any sort of base for expenses coming out of the home like hydro, internet, taxes, heat, upgrades and miscellaneous costs depending on your mortgage and other variables. Obviously if you have a large mortgage you are not making a dam thing but rather indebted to the banks. My advice is if you can't own without incurring a 200K mortgage plus (which is almost impossible these days not to) then find a place to rent. Even if it is affordable housing. Yes I know all about the home ownership dream but if you allow yourself to be suckered by this outdated concept then you are doomed to remain indebted for a long time often paying three to four times the value of the mortgage before your amortization period is ended after 25 to 35 years. Most people refinance and this resets everything adding to your debt burden. Can you find a way to generate 7-15k a month from home. You sure can. I am not even talking about online businesses yet.

2) Trading. Learn to trade the markets now. Volatility is at its lowest and it is ripe for scalping. This is the time to learn and to make it work. If you are good you can sell your service and you can travel extensively. That is what it has allowed me to do. I have made a lot of money from the markets and from my partners. This is the best online business that I can do. Now don't be fooled into thinking that you are going to start and become a pro in six months. Not a chance. It takes years of hard work. Like any skill you build you must work at it and become proficient. This takes time. Make no mistake about it. However making an extra 2-20K a month is within your reach if you take time to master this skill. Perhaps a lot more than that. Stay away from the guru's and their marketing nonsense. It will not work. You don't need to fork out 5-10K or more just to gain an edge. I give you that every week for free. Join my trade room when it opens. You won't regret it and you can tap into my own skill to accelerate your learning curve.

3) Form an online business in something you love to do and something you are good enough to sell your services to others. I am not saying BS people with nonsense and sell crap which is what the majority of online marketing is about but pick and area that you are enjoy. See if there is lots of competition. The more the better. This means that the area you are skilled at is in demand. Be the best at it. Then people will come to you. It will take time to become a master and it will take time (like any business) for people to trust you and to get to know you. It will happen and when it does be ready to accept your new role.

4) Leverage your time. This is something that most people are very poor at. They spend far too much time doing things that will not produce any sort of wealth for them at all. They feel trapped and they feel that there is no way out. This is simply not true. I don't care how much debt you have and I don't care how much you have failed. Keep moving forward. You see everything and everyone competes for your time. Your time is precious and the biggest obstacle to most people is using this finite resource appropriately. My advice is lose the people that are a waste to you in your life. Do your best to help them get oriented but if they are wasting your precious time get rid of them. Forget goals. Most people don't know how to set them and follow the routine. Simply pick areas where you want to make a difference and then go at them every day. Don't worry at first if they are not producing for you they will over time. Keep at them. For example if you are into body building you won't see major results until six months to a year or more. However that should not deter you from keeping at your passion every day. Once you start to see results then use this to leverage it to more opportunity. Partner, expand, increase  your effort and other productive uses of your time leveraging your current momentum to increase your results.

These are the four pinnacles that have worked for me. Notice that you don't need to open a multi million dollar company or work yourself to the bone. Just methodically go at it and over time results will come. You will feel like giving up at times but don't. Make time for YOU and your personal success. It might not be the same as mine but use the template that I gave you.
I am going to expand these areas for you in the coming days so that you can see what it is I am doing to produce these income streams. Cheers!

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