Do Bonds Mean Stocks are Going to Collapse?

It has always been said that the Bondholders and traders are a step ahead of everyone else.
Are they in this case?
I don't think so. I think that finally, they are beginning to catch on to the fact that the sideways markets we are in are heading towards the upper range of where they started a few years back. This means perhaps lowering interest rates back down a bit, with the Dollar falling to the 85 area again. Yes, that could mean higher gold and commodities but don't go backing the truck up just yet as commodities might be low but they just might stay there for a long time to come. Personally, I don't think we will ever see a complete bull market in commodities again unless we get some uncoupling of the present hedge the central banks have across the world on most financial instruments.
       Now this made me happy today. I don't get excited about anything very often but this is something I take note of. Good ol's Stanley is finally on board. When this fellow speaks I listen. He is my hero.
However, I want you to see how far ahead of him I was. We are talking at least a year and NO, I am not smarter than this fellow. Nor do I take billion dollar postions like he does. Nor am I worth five billion or so and the list goes on. However, I would be willing to bet, with money on the line that I have called at least as good a game if not better over the past ten years.
I know, big statement and big claim. However, look back in my notes and posts here folks. If you had been following my suggestions and recommendations I think you would be doing much better than him. Seriously. He only returns about 12-15% now which is still awesome for the amount of money he controls but nowhere near what he did pre-central bank control.
      Don't get me wrong. I am not fooling myself. His trading skills far surpass my own but as far as market analysis.....I wonder.
Below you can see my present position in the ten years and I have been holding it almost six months. I took an earlier trade than that and caught it right at the 118 mark.
        Anyway, you can see for yourself. Either the positon is there or it isn't. Plain and simple. I always generally have a position to show you, just like I do with my EUR/USD calls.
     Oh and "No", just because interest rates are falling does not mean that stocks are going to collapse. You have to think about what put them at these lofty levels, to begin with, and no it was not the fund managers. Cheers!
      Here is Stanley's take:

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