What About the Nasdaq

All too many traders focus only on currencies when they trade and they neglect some of the other markets that can and do reward you very well if you are a CFD trader or futures trader. One of those markets that I use to do very well in is the NASDAQ. It is extremely volatile and the higher it goes the more the volatility increases.
      You can trade the S&P or the DOW or any of the other indexes but none of them move like the NASDAQ. I say this to you because I have a strategy that has been working very well that has been putting about 200.00 USD a day into my account. Yes I have statement proof but what if the results were replicable or you were able to copy them. Would that make a difference in your life?
      I think so.
  So start trading this instrument with me and I will be showing you how it all works. Why chase the EURO or the other currencies that are relatively rangebound at the moment when there are other more volatile markets available to you.
I used to do currency flows at this place where you can view me.

Now I use volume, flow trading for all of the markets and you can find that information right here. Each and every day I trade from the highest probability areas that you can find. They are a system in itself. I will be creating a subscribers area and a place where you can log into every day to get this information that will indeed make a difference in your trading.
Remember trading is about executed orders or volume. Trading is about knowing where these areas area so that you can execute and make money in any market day after day.
     You will want to know this information. You will want to pay for the information that will make all the difference in the world to your trading account.
     There is an old saying which goes like this, "you are either trading with the smart money or you are trading against it".
      Here you will learn why tick tape reading is useless and so is depth of the market. It does not dictate price because you never see the real orders that are executed by the pros. It is not the little fellow moving the markets but the Liquidity Providers or the Institutional Traders. Wouldn't it be nice to know what they are doing.
     Stay tuned and I will be providing all that information to you so that you can make money.

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