Aug 14 Week...

While it remains a patient mans game in the summer time if you know the key areas where the market is likely to take off in your direction or reverse the summer months can be a very good trading time indeed.
     I had mentioned last week that the US Dollar was poised to reverse. With other currencies at extremes it seems a good time to reverse the current sentiment. I see distinct patterns telling me that a reversal is underway in a lot of markets. That being said I continue to trade the futures with very positive gains with Oil. I might add that the Bond markets are getting set for a large turn too.
        It is letters like these that really get the best of me. It suffers to be said that of course you can get key information if you pay for it. Really? Let's use this add for an example from a company that makes a lot of money hyping nonsense.
      If you want to know the ICO releases then go here.
      The one that they are probably talking about is SnapUp Presale. It is based on a good concept and it holds a lot of potential if it can do what it says it might. There are four of them on the 28th. If you want to cover all bases then slap a 100 or a 1000 depending on what you can afford in the four set to be released on the 28th. It is just that difficult lol.
         You know when these guys are all hocking crap that you are in the bottom of the nineth in the crypto market. In other words the easy money has been made and now it is risky. Would I buy bit coin at its present value? Not on your life. It could very easily go to 10000 as some pundits are saying but what is the valuation? Is it simply mania or is it based on reality.
         However do your own research as I have been telling you all along.
It is like Gold. Do you buy it now or back in 2001? Right. When it is cheap and has very little downside risk.
I continue to rack up impressive gains in oil and if you want to have some fun trading then keep an eye on the blog for the release of the new web site. Just take a trial there and see for yourself if its for you. No gimmicks, no hype, no promises. Just take it for a test run and if you like it then become part of the team. I don't do things much different than most of the other so called guru's charging you a small fortune to trade volume profile so don't expect miracles. I do lose from time to time and that is the way the game works. What I can teach you is how to manage risk and how to set up trades with little to no risk. I think that is the most important thing you can learn in trading. Yes, I use order flow and I use some proprietary indicators of my own but for the majority of the time I will teach you to use your brain like an algo. Trust me it is much better and is far more accurate once you learn to read a chart and to see things before they becomes obvious to everyone else. Stay tuned and have a great day. 

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